
Versió catalana


Benet Casablancas

(Two Pieces for Piano)

The "Two Pieces", published by EMEC and in cluded in the Book for Piano published by the Associació Catalana de Compositors" m 1980, were written in 1978 and performed for the first time a year later by nulelta Sole. About these two pieces, of a very contrasting nature (diaphanous and canhebie the first, with a complex pianouc writ ting the second), elude Casanovas points out: "In the manner of prelude and allegro, they show a serious, most refined atonolism that ranges from the simplest construction to the most conclusive virtuosy".
The first of the pieces The Adagio- may be per formed independently- in the manner of an "easy piece"- and is dedicated to Lourdes Antres Aubry.


Arquejant els murs del desig
Les músiqus són portalons
En la densa espessor del temps
(contraforts ed nocturna pedra
d'un íntima catedral

suspesa en l'aire del secret),
que, irradiant cels estelats
engolen cap al món profund
la tr`gica veu personal
d'una irresistible paura
JR. Bach

Arching the walk of desire
musics are gates
an the dense thickness of time
(buttresses of nocturnal stone
of an intimitate cathedral
suspended in the air of secrecy),
which, irradiating starry skies,
swallow towards the deep world
the tragic personal voice
of an irresistible fear.
JR. Bach

Disseny portada i obra plástica: Agustí Puig
Traducció textos: Joan Sellent i Andrés Sánchez Pascual
Fotografies: Lluís Brunet, Andreu Masagué i K.M. Vogler